Welcome to The Table!
The Table is a Christian community in Victoria, BC, on a mission to love God, love others, and bless our neighbours to see Jesus Christ revealed in common life. Learn more about who we are.
Lent/Easter Sermon Series
Find sermons, conversations, music, and more on our YouTube page. Or, search for “Table Radio” wherever you listen to podcasts.
Sunday Gatherings
Big Table
Join us every two weeks for Big Table Sundays. Meet us at Church of Our Lord in Downtown Victoria at 4:00PM for a potluck meal, followed by music, liturgy, and teaching for all ages at 5:00PM.
Neighbourhood Tables
On alternate Sundays we gather as Neighbourhood Tables. These are spread across Victoria and reflect the interests and personalities of their neighbourhoods. If you’d like more info contact us here.
Find out about our next meeting on the events page.
Table Radio
Find Sermons, Interviews, Music, NT Conversations and more!
All here on Table Radio!